IWSLT 2014 German→English

This page shows the results of IWSLT 2014 German→English translation with different architectures and hyper-parameters. Results of v2 are obtained with four indepenedent runs and v1 are got with 2 independent runs.

Architecture Configuration v2 v1
2-layer + hidden dimension 256 + dropout 0.1 32.46 ± 0.09 31.09 ± 0.11
2-layer + hidden dimension 256 + dropout 0.3 32.46 ± 0.09
4-layer + hidden dimension 256 + dropout 0.3 34.61 ± 0.08 34.27 ± 0.02
6-layer + hidden dimension 256 + dropout 0.3 35.06 ± 0.05 34.26 ± 0.09
8-layer + hidden dimension 256 + dropout 0.3 35.14 ± 0.07 34.37 ± 0.01
10-layer + hidden dimension 256 + dropout 0.3 35.02 ± 0.11 34.00 ± 0.04
10-layer + hidden dimension 256 + dropout 0.4 35.19 ± 0.06
6-layer + hidden dimension 512 + dropout 0.4 34.59 ± 0.08
6-layer + hidden dimension 512 + dropout 0.5 34.97 ± 0.09
8-layer + hidden dimension 512 + dropout 0.5 34.86 ± 0.06